
Boys State wouldn’t be where it is today without the valiant efforts of our active duty military troops and the veterans who have fought to maintain the freedoms we have today. Many don’t know that the American Legion founded the Boys State program to instill democracy in America’s youth and to combat the growing ideals of communism and fascism storming the American culture shortly after World War 1. Still relevant in today’s society, and with the help of the American Legion Americanism commission, the counselors of our program help teach and portray the moral fiber of what it means to be an American. From honoring our colors and reciting the pledge of allegiance to listening to the stories from any number of the veterans we have on staff and visiting our program during the week, there is no better place for these delegates to get a feel for just what being an American means. This is just one of the many reasons that the Oklahoma Boys State motto is “The week that shapes a lifetime.” Registration will be opening up very soon, so please reach out to your school counselors and your local American Legion posts for more information.

OK Boys State: Honoring our Heritage 🇺🇲 Forging our Future


Oklahoma American Legion Boys State is proud of our extensive veteran leadership throughout the program

  • Delegates have a unique opportunity to learn from both former and active-duty military about the importance of public service
  • Delegates are taught not just how, but also why we honor our colors and recite the pledge of allegiance
  • As a non-partisan program, all of this is done with a focus on what unites US as Americans


Registration is live now and filling up fast – so if you know a high-school junior, encourage them to sign up for “the week that shapes a lifetime.”